Thursday, September 14, 2017

Decision-Making Process

Image by skeeze via Pixabay  

Over the past year, I have been involved in Ramblers Hiking Club. When I initially joined the club, there were about ten people that regularly attended the weekly meetings. I was extremely surprised there was not more interest in creating and planning hiking trips. I noticed that the board members lacked proper marketing of their club. Ramblers is a member driven club, meaning that any member can plan or lead a hike. Again, I did not see enough people planning trips that I would be interested in. However, I stuck it out until the end of the year by planning as many trips as I could. At the end of each school year, Ramblers has elections for new board positions. This got me thinking outside of the box a little bit, because I wanted to be able to collaborate more with members. I contacted the board and faculty advisor to add a new position to the board, which would be known as the Director of Marketing. Obviously, I ended up getting the spot. Over the summer, I created the club’s website; it can be viewed here. With a background in marketing and content creation, I could not think of a position to better fit my skills. Additionally, I created the club’s Instagram page. With all of the exciting new editions, Ramblers has been thriving as a club this year. We are collaborating more than ever! Everyone in Ramblers has an interest for the outdoors. We strive to make things easy for members by creating car pools, and events people want to attend. We have had two meetings so far this year, and there were about forty people who had attended the first meeting and roughly the same for the second meeting. I am so glad to see things are finally starting to pay off with all the hard work that has gone in to making this such a great club. I knew that if I put my mind to it, there would be a greater interest for the outdoors. The problem was that many people had not previously heard of Ramblers. We made ourselves known by attending club fairs and holding information sessions on campus to tell people about what the Ramblers are. If you are interested in hiking or learning more about Ramblers, come to our bi-weekly meetings on Wednesday's in Harvill room 305. Our next meeting will be September 27th and we are having park rangers from Saguaro National Park come to speak!

Image via National Park Service

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beau! This is actually very interesting, you might be surprised but I actually have heard of the Ramblers because a girl in my sorority showed me the Instagram page! That is so cool that you created that page for them. This club is a great way to collaborate in person as well as online like in your meetings and also your posts. It is awesome you get to expand your creativity by working with others who have common interests!
