Thursday, November 2, 2017


After watching a movie about memes this past Tuesday in class, I never realized how big of an impact they had on me when I grew up. In fact, memes initially sparked my interest on social media. I remember creating my Facebook account when I was in sixth or seventh grade. At that point in time, I really had no idea why I wanted to be active on social media at such a young age. I guess I was jealous of my older siblings and peers around me. I just wanted to kind of try to fit in if you catch my drift. As I began exploring more on Facebook, I was extremely enticed by the number of pages that constantly posted funny and compelling memes. To this day, I find memes across the internet multiple times per day. Memes are a great way to laugh and enjoy the moment. However, it is weird when I think about where I see memes now compared to ten years ago. Memes can be sent over text or seen on just about every social media platform available to the public. I tend to see memes primarily on Facebook, which is funny because that is the place where it all started. I just might end up looking for some funny meme accounts on Instagram after I type up this blog. Check out the picture below for my favorite concept of a meme!

Image by Iain Heath via Flickr


  1. Great post Beau!I It is so interesting how memes really have played into social media and what we have seen growing up. We are the generation that has created and grown up with memes. You had to have social media in the millennial's years in order to understand the importance and emphasis on memes. I actually cannot imagine social media without memes, so that says a lot for our generation along with what the generations to come and what they would be like.

  2. Hi Beau!
    I liked how you introduced your post and started off explaining how you got into memes. I too liked memes when I first started social media but now I think most of them are stupid. Without social media, I do not think they would have spread anywhere near to the places they have today. Maybe I need to look harder or follow other accounts. If memes were never a thing I do not think it would change anything; in fact I think it would make society and social media a better place. Great post!
